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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beer For Charity

Hello all out there in the beer world. It's been a while since I've posted due to the fact that Marines are keeping me busy.

In the last few months Stone Brewing has put out some of the best beers, and I actually sent one to Skye Marthaler (one of our fellow blogger). [ed. note - It is worth tracking down!]
One of Stone's beers that I have enjoyed is their Tenth Anniversary IPA.

Stone's Excerpt.

Stone Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA was created as an homage to the almighty hop. As the celebrated Stone Ruination IPA approached its 10th birthday this June, we knew we had to do something special, so we cranked it up from 7.7% to 10.8% and used twice as much hops–a whopping 5 pounds per barrel, including a pound each of Citra and Centennial in the dry hop. The results were GLORIOUS, but don't take our word for it. The only people more bitter than those who don't get any... will be those who do.

In closing. I would like to talk about the title of my post. Stone Brewing had their annual anniversary bash and charity drive. This year the charities have changed but the kindness hasn't. 100% of the proceeds will go to the charities. Split evenly amongst them.
Take a look at this link and show your kindness.
Have a good day.

Jeremy W. Sanders

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