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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Your mid-week beer links to keep the mind Oktoberfest sharp

Oktoberfest. (Original found here)
Since it is Oktoberfest month here at JGF lets start off with a few Oktoberfest related stories.

In the News

Fort Bragg cancels annual Oktoberfest celebration; decline in revenue, attendance cited in festival's demise (Fayetteville Observer)
A part of me isn't really surprised and I'd be curious to know how this was promoted over the last few years. Something tells me that the Ft. Bragg MWR didn't really move with the times.
Germany's real crisis: Oktoberfest beer shortage looms (NBC News)
I guarantee the bottles will come swarming in. Those Germans couldn't handle the embarrassment if their premier festival had a beer shortage.

Heading to Oktoberfest in Munich? Read This, Especially If You're Female. (
Some good tips in this if you travel across the pond to the big one.

Red Robin Beer Milkshake Debuts Ahead Of Oktoberfest (Huffington Post)
We have Red Robin's near us. I may have to go try this...but I must admit I'm hesitant.

Portland's Passions for Beer, Bicycling United in New Guidebook (Sacramento Bee)
Looks like Sarah is going to have a new project for JGF!

Campaign launched to mass produce White House beer (Mother Nature Network)
An interesting idea but their kickstarter campaign needs a lot of help if this is going to become reality.

The Audacity of Hops (
A very informative article on what it takes to get started in the commercial craft brewing industry.
Is Obama's public love affair with beer improving his numbers among male voters? (The Province)
Your American politics article through a Canadian lens. Remember what Lincoln said.

You're Doing It Wrong: Pumpkin Bread (Slate)
Pumpkin brews aren't getting covered till next month, but here's a recipe to tide you over. Somebody needs to try this out and report on it.

Carlsberg Expects European Beer Market to Be Challenging in 2013 (Bloomberg Business News)
Market saturation is coming for macrobreweries and once arrives the craft beer industry better be prepared.

A new marriage of kebabs and beer in PB (
This sounds like a winner.

President of Beers (Willamette Week)
Here's a countdown that is sure to piss you off in some aspect, beer snobbery at its finest.

In Site News

The biggest news is that JGF is welcoming a new writer into the fold. Craig Jones, a frequent commenter on the blog has joined the writing team and will be bringing his thoughts and food knowledge to beer reviews. In addition he will be taking a closer look at the exploding Southern beer scene. Welcome aboard Craig.

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