I can not believe this. This one is simply not possible, but it is, and I have to suck it up. Dead? Really? I mean, I am not a huge H. P. Lovecraft fan, but Cthulhu and its ever present existence was one of the givens when I was coming up and reading sci-fi and fantasy. So, when I saw it, I had to do a double take. And if you saw who was advancing this idea, you would even do a triple take, because these guys have steadily reinforced their chops. Ah, this is a horror story coming true.
Death of Cthulhu - Adroit Theory |
Death of Cthulhu, brewed by Adroit Theory Brewing Company (404 Browning Ct. Unit C Purcellville, Virginia 20132 V: 703-722-3144
www.adroit-theory.com), is a cold imperial stout that really has no equal. This is not some standard or Russian imperial stout. This beverage has the right combination of oddly off pieces that go together in the right fashion. One thing, for example, is sea salt. Nothing wrong with using salt, but sea salt infused with a series of digestible ingredients puts it over the top. It has just the right combination of ingredients and a 12% ABV that it goes down so easily, you wonder if they are lying to you. But since this Adroit Theory, you know that they are telling the truth and if anything, they probably rounded the ABV down a bit just to get it through the censors.
As a matter of fact, when I ordered it, the woman next to me asked me what I had ordered. I told her and she ordered one as well because she was curious. She got a couple of drinks into it and proclaimed that it was as one of the best drinks she had had at Spacebar (
709 W Broad St, Falls Church, VA 22046 V: (703) 992-0777 http://spcbr.com) that night. (Don't worry Morgan, your ID shall go to the grave.) Not an earth shattering opinion, but you don't get one that often that your on-track.
I rated is a 4.25 on Untappd and I suggest that you try it and give it your own rating. It strange, but true. But can it really represent to the Death of Cthulhu? Well, if it tastes like this, it might not be a bad way to go through life after all.
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